Combatting Ear Wax Buildup in Mesa

Earwax is a normal substance that keeps your ears clean and free from infection. However, when earwax builds up and blocks the ear canal, this can cause problems such as ear infections, pain, and reduced hearing. It is very important that you learn the benefits and importance of maintaining your ears. Dr. Cassandra Fynes can help residents of the Mesa area in learning about combatting wax buildup so that their hearing and ears remain healthy.

What is earwax?

Earwax is the waxy substance that is found in the ears. It serves a number of purposes. It keeps your ear canals lubricated and moist so that they do not dry out and bleed, and keeps the ears clean of any dirt or bacteria. The earwax traps the bacteria within the waxy build up and eventually the wax falls out of the ears. In most circumstances, the earwax falls out on its own and does not pose any major problems with building up.

However, in some cases, the earwax fails to naturally fall out and begins to accumulate. This buildup of wax can lead to further ear problems. The wax can dampen hearing as it partially blocks the sound waves from reaching the eardrum. It can also be painful or itchy, as the wax may irritate the delicate membranes inside.

How do I properly clean my ears?

While the ear works to naturally remove harmful substances from the body on its own, light maintenance is important to maintain a healthy environment for the ears. Dr. Fynes recommends that you clean your outer ears daily so that the wax does not build up over time. It is very easy to clean your ears as a part of your daily cleaning routine. You can take a small washcloth with warm water or cleaning oil and gently massage the outer ears to remove any dirt or oils. You should never insert anything into the actual ear canal due to the risk of harming the inner ear canal and creating an impaction.

Should an impaction occur, a skilled audiologist, such as Dr. Fynes, may need to assist in removing the wax buildup. She may use a special microscope that will help her in visualizing and removing the earwax

Signs that you may need a doctor’s assistance with earwax buildup include:

  • Earache: a sense of fullness in your ears
  • Partial hearing loss: if you find yourself unable to hear certain sounds or struggling to hear in general
  • Tinnitus: an occasional ringing sound in the ears
  • If you have itchy ears, a bad odor, or foul looking discharge coming out of the ears

If you have suffered from any of these issues, Dr. Fynes will determine the cause of the situation. Then she may recommend home treatment or perform a simple cleaning procedure herself.

Dr. Cassandra FynesDo not allow your hearing or life to be impacting by wax buildup in Mesa. Dr. Fynes can help teach you about managing earwax buildup and can treat your ears so you can lead a happier and healthier life. Her skilled team of providers will ensure that you are comfortable and hearing with the best clarity once more. Call her office today at (480) 456-0176 or contact online to learn more.

Fynes Audiology


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