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Recognizing and Managing Hearing Loss in Children in Mesa

Hearing loss in children can be especially difficult as the child struggles to keep up with their peers and life. They may have trouble paying attention in class, be easily distracted, or complain of discomfort. As a parent, this is often distressing, as you wish that help alleviate your child’s pain and restore their quality of life. Dr. Cassandra Fynes offers parents of hearing impaired children in the Mesa area hearing tests, information about hearing loss in children, and hearing aids.

Causes of Hearing Loss in Children

The signs of hearing loss in children in Mesa may be difficult to catch, as they cannot verbalize easily what is going on. In most cases the symptoms of hearing loss are small and easily overlooked. Some of the symptoms can include:

There are many different reasons that your child’s hearing may be impacted. Some of the reasons include acquired hearing loss such as otitis media or genetically linked hearing loss.

Otitis Media

Otitis media is a condition where fluid or swelling blocks the Eustachian tubes. These tubes are vital for aiding hearing. When these tubes become swollen with fluid, they can disrupt the travel of sound waves to the inner ear. As a result, the child hears voices at a diminished capacity or hears muffled sounds. It can also lead discomfort in the child where they may have headaches or sore ears. Other situations that can lead to hearing impairment or loss are head injuries, infections like meningitis and influenza, and excessively high noise exposure.

The other causes of hearing loss in children are genetic disorders that are acquired at birth. Some examples of genetically linked hearing loss are:

Autosomal Dominant Hearing Loss

This is a condition where one of the parents carries the dominant gene for hearing loss and passes it on to the child. If one of the parents has the gene, there is at least a fifty percent probability that the child will suffering from hearing loss. In the case that both parents have the gene, the probability that the child will suffer from hearing loss is higher.

Autosomal Recessive Hearing Loss

In the case where both parents do not suffer from hearing loss one may carry a recessive gene. With two normal parents, the probability of their child acquiring hearing loss is around twenty-five percent. In this case, the parents should not have to worry about the possibility of their child inheriting hearing loss.

X-Linked Hearing Loss

With this rare genetic condition, the child’s mother has the recessive genes for hearing loss. She can pass hearing loss to her male children but not her female children.

Make the Move

If you suspect that your child suffers from some form of hearing loss, Dr. Fynes offers hearing tests and hearing aids for children of all ages. She provides hearing tests that can determine the degree of hearing loss your child may suffer from. If she determines that your child suffers from moderate to severe hearing loss, she can fit them with hearing aids that can make their lives easier. Call Dr. Cassandra Fynes today at (480) 456-0176 or reach out online to learn more about her services and products.

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