Taking care of hearing aids is very important in order to keep them functioning properly. At Fynes Audiology, Mesa, Dr. Cassandra Fynes advise to establish a cleaning routine. It is vital to wipe them regularly with a tooth brush or hearing aid brush so that wax doesn’t accumulate on the hearing aid and impair the hearing process. Hearing aid receivers are often equipped with wax traps which can be checked for wax by removing the dome. If the receiver is dark in color, it needs to be cleaned up.

Fynes Audiology – How to clean your hearing aids

Here are few reminders on how to clean your hearing aids to keep them running properly. At night wipe them off. You want to keep any excess of wax or debris off the hearing aids. In the morning before you put them in, you want to take any type of brush whether it be a tooth brush or an old little hearing aid brush. Brush off any excess of wax that you may see on the hearing aid. Same thing with your ear molds. We don’t want to have wax building up into the hearing aids. Some of you are using receiver in the ear hearing aids. A lot of these are provided with the wax trap. You want to remove the dome and check your wax trap. Does it look darker dingy. Come grab one of wax removal trap system, poke it in, pull it out. Turn the stick over and pop it back it in. That’s all you have to do and replace your dome on to the hearing aid.