Enjoy That Concert, But Protect From Hearing Loss in Phoenix

Going to a rock and roll concert may be very exciting and fun, but it is important that you take the proper measures to protect your hearing. After you leave the concert, you may have muffled hearing or a ringing sound in your ears, also known as tinnitus. These acute symptoms may disappear a day after your concert, but the internal damage to your inner ears structures is permanent. In order to reduce the damage. Loud concerts often play music at very high decibels that can cause irreversible harm to your hearing, but this does not mean that you have to stop going to music concerts. Instead, Dr. Cassandra Fynes can guide you with the proper steps so that you can continue to enjoy your concerts and protect your ears at the same time.

Hearing Loss

The most common form of hearing loss that affects most adults is the kind of hearing loss acquired from repeated exposure over the years, sensorineural Hearing Loss. Sensorineural hearing loss is a natural process, but with repeated exposure to very loud music or sounds, the effects can accelerate leading to severe hearing loss. During a music concert or festival, the music and sound effects can reach up to one hundred and ten decibels, which is considered extremely loud. Extended exposure to such high decibels will quicken the hearing loss symptoms.

There are no medications to prevent or reverse sensorineural hearing loss, but with proper care and preventative actions at events such as a concert, you can delay the progression for many years. Fortunately, the main causes of sensorineural hearing loss, repeated exposure to loud noises that exceed eighty decibels, can be limited by lifestyle changes. This kind of hearing loss can be slowed by use of sound muffling and blocking technology.

How can I protect my ears during my concert?

Some of the steps that you can take to prevent this form of hearing loss include:

Wear earplugs.

One very simple way to protect your delicate inner ear structures from damage is to wear earplugs or mufflers. Dr. Fynes offers earplugs that are compact and comfortable to wear so that you can continue to enjoy your music without discomfort. The earplugs will cut the intensity of the sounds so you do not suffer permanent damage. Contrary to popular belief, earplugs will not reduce the quality of the music. Rather, they can enhance the experience because they reduce the noise intensity, allowing your ears to focus on the lyrics and melodies.

Position yourself so that you are farther away from the stage and speakers.

It may be tempting to watch right up close to the stage, but the speakers are often at the front of the stage and by being close to the speakers, you can unintentionally harm your ears. The music increases in decibels as you move closer to the speakers, so it is important that you enjoy from a distance.

Take a break if possible.

Go outside during breaks or a number that does not interest you as much to give your ears a break. By taking some breaks, your ears are not constantly bombarded by high decibel music because the noise outside is less intense and concentrated. If possible, also look into attending music concerts that are performed at outside venues. This way, the music will travel and be less damaging.

caseyBy taking these steps to prevent noise-induced hearing loss, you can continue to view your favorite performers and preserve your hearing for years to come. Dr. Fynes offers information and ear plugs to prevent hearing loss to concert attendees in Phoenix and nearby areas. To schedule your consultation, contact her office online or at (480) 456-0176.

Fynes Audiology


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